Re: GOD...defined

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Posted by Amanda on January 09, 1997 at 08:53:22:

In Reply to: Re: GOD...defined posted by Tyler Bradley on January 08, 1997 at 10:54:11:

It looks like I didn't explain myself well here again. Forgive me - I'm not choosing my words carefully.
I'm well aware that we can neither prove of disprove God's existence - what I meant, in my point of view, was that the evidence appears to sway towards the unlikeliness of His existence. I don't mean just scientific evidence and our present knowledge in it but also our present knowledge in the fields of history, prehistory, cultural anthropology, human psychology and that of comparative religion.
I'm also aware that all truths, all facts are 'provisional' but when the truths are based on observation, facts, experimentation etc... as opposed to revelation, heresay and an inspired book - my beliefs are formed from the former type.
In my opinion, the supernatural is being swept out of the universe in the flood of new (and old) knowledge of what is natural.

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